NYC POTTY as seen: 

"Samantha is our hero!! Everyone, including doctors and therapists, told us our 3 year old son with Down Syndrome "wasn't ready" or "it will take a year" but she had him independently stopping playing and walking to the toilet when he had to go potty on morning of DAY 2!" -Mom, St Louis
"After 2 years of trying, my son was fully potty trained after 90 minutes with Samantha! My son is asking to go potty independently and waking up bone dry & happy as a clam!"  -Abigail Brown, Queens, NY
"...the Michael Jordan of Potty Training"

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NYC Potty Training
"She was able to fully train him in under two days. He has not had an accident since she left...she really personalizes this process to each child and their needs...She looked for and found cues that I would've never known to look for. I highly recommend Samantha. She is so patient, so kind and awesome at what she does." -Marisa Regal, NY

Toilet training in 1-2 days! Whether you want your child​ to have a seamless and successful experience the first time or your child has been struggling with potty training, NYC Potty can help!

We specialize in working with children with special needs and with children who only need support with bowel training. We also offer general behavior consulting.



​​We travel or can assist at your NYC hotel!

1st Professional Potty Training service in NY &
1st 1-2 day potty training service anywhere!  
"He would not ever stand near the potty, he would not go near the bathroom. Thank you so much NYC Potty Training! My son was potty trained in one day and have had continued success!" -Molly Goldberg, New York, NY